Friday, July 07, 2006

Israeli future 1st person

אני ילך לסופר ‘I will go to the supermarket’ /anI yelEx la-sUper/

Standardized form: אני אלך /anI elEx la-sUper/

Most of the Israeli readers are horrified the moment they read this sentence. True, seeing it written down is a little unusual, but actually most of the Israelis are used to hearing this new 1st-person-singular-future inflectional prefix /y-/ and do not notice when people pronounce anI elEx or anI yelEx.

How has it happened?

Israeli verbal inflection of 1st-sg-future requires a preceding pronoun. Most Israelis would say ‘I will go’ anI elEx, ‘You-sg-ms will go’ atA telEx, ‘He will go’ hu yelEx, rather than just elEx, telEx, yelEx, respectively.

The pronoun requirement exists only in part of the inflections, mostly in present tense, 3rd person past tense, 1st and 3rd person future tense.

Note that Hebrew did not require a pronoun preceding verbs, as the person was expressed in the verbal prefix /?-/, i.e. אלך /?elEx/. This glottal stop disappears gradually in Israeli, weakening the inflectional marker of 1st person sg.

Then came y. why?

1. Phonological reason: Breaking vowel string Israeli 1st person future verbs always begin with a vowel: /e/ as in ercE ‘I-will-want’ /a/ as in axil ‘I-will-contain’ /o/ as in oxAl ‘I-will-eat’ /u/ as in uxAl ‘I-will-be-able’ /i/ as in iSAn ‘I-will-sleep’.

The sound /i/ at the end of the pronoun anI ‘I’, followed by the vowel that starts the future verb (agreeing in gender and number), create an unfavorable consequence of two vowels. An epenthetic /y/ breaks it and creates a CV.CV sequence, with an unmarked syllable structure:

אני אלך anI elEx à אני ילך anI yelEx (‘I will go’, lit. ‘I go-1st-sg-future’)

2. Morphological reason: Fewer inflectional person forms

After the /y/ epenthesis, 1st-sg-future inflection of the verb go’ is yelEx, similar to 3rd-sg-ms-future: הוא ילך ‘he will go’ hu yelEx (lit. ‘he go-3rd-sg-ms-future’).

This is not a new phenomenon to Israeli: the verbal inflections of 2nd-sg-ms-future and of 3rd-sg-fm-future are the same:

אתה תלך atA telEx ‘you-sg-ms will go’

היא תלך hi telEx ‘she will go’

To sum, there are three singular future verbal person inflections using three forms:

אני ילך anI yelEx ‘I will go’

אתה תלך atA telEx ‘you-sg-ms will go’

את תלכי at telxI ‘you-sg-fm will go’

הוא ילך hu yelEx ‘he will go’

היא תלך hi telEx ‘she will go’

For comparison, Hebrew singular future verbal inflections:

אלך ?elEx ‘I will go’

תלך telEx ‘you-sg-ms will go’

תלכי telxI ‘you-sg-fm will go’

ילך yelEx ‘he will go’

תלך telEx ‘she will go’


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